LXer Weekly Roundup for 26-Apr-2009
The biggest story of the week was by far the purchase of Sun, not by IBM but Oracle, which has many FOSS proponents worried about the Open Source projects that Sun is an integral part of. I agree with SJVN's take on it and it explains why Oracle had "Dr DBA" himself appear on stage at the MySQL annual conference only days later. Red Hat commissioned the Georgia Institute of Technology to do a study on the use of Open Source software around the world and they have now published a map based on the information they gathered. Ever forgot your root password? don't feel bad, I did that once. Here are 10 ways of resetting a lost Linux root password that may help out. Linux Magazine has a two part interview with Linus Torvalds, here is Part 1 and Part 2. We have Groklaw to thank for posting a most intriguing history of history of Microsoft's anti competitive behavior. Not to mention that if you end up with a computer that has Windows 7 Starter Edition, your going to have to learn to live with some limitations. There has been a sighting of a Netbook with Android pre-installed out in the wild and Steven Rosenberg sparks a good ole' fashion desktop environment debate with his "Xfce is light ... but Fvwm is lighter".
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