LXer Weekly Roundup for 31-May-2009
We have a lot of big stories is this week's roundup like the news that the U.S. Army has decided to upgrade from MS Office 2003 to MS Office 2007 and Vista in order to “bolster Internet security”, which begs the question, why isn't the entire military already using SELinux? For those who want to learn some Linux/Unix history and happen to have spare 40ft wall, then this poster might be for you, and SourceForge takes down the rtmpdump project after receiving a cease-and-desist notice from Adobe. A recent survey asked if you had ever payed for a Windows license only to wipe it and put Linux on it, and after more than 500 responses and counting the results are in. With the release of Moblin it looks like Intel is finally going to make a name for itself in software. Got some older PowerPC Macs laying around?, breath some new life into them by installing Linux on them. Steven Rosenberg goes on a Ubuntu rant about how codecs are handled and we have a nice list of 9 reasons to switch from Windows to Ubuntu. It looks like KOffice 2.0.0 has finally been released. I am not sure why you would want to but a Chinese project called the Linux Unified Kernel is trying to combine the Linux and NT kernels. Caitlyn Martin writes up a great review of "The MIPS Processor and the $150 Linux Netbook" and SJVN reviews the five best features of Fedora 11. Google and Microsoft Exchange announcements with there respective search engine software offerings called Wave and Bing and Mike Elgan gives each a kick in the tires in his piece entitled "Bashing Bing, whacking Wave". |
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