LXer Weekly Roundup for 14-Jun-2009

Posted by Scott_Ruecker on Jun 16, 2009 1:31 AM
LXer Linux News; By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.)

LXer Feature: 15-Jun-2009

Running Windows in Linux: Everywhere you turn in computing circles nowadays you hear about Virtual computing, whether it is HyperV, Vmware, Xen, KVM or other solutions. In this guide we use Fedora 10 Linux and Qemu to run Windows XP sp3 inside a virtual machine, step by step with screenshots to show you how easy it is to run Windows inside of Linux.

A Kernel of all things!: Just finished watching “Revolution OS” again, after a year or more. I still can’t believe that with all the work the GNU Project put into the GNU operating system, that Linus Torvalds could come along, with a Kernel of all things, and take the credit away from the Free Software Foundation, and thus, also taking away the credit from the X.Org, Apache, etc. developers.

Underestimating the Mission Critical Role of Linux: To what extent is Linux serving in mission critical environments today? There are still IT leaders that consider Linux a non-contender in such environments. Despite a steady stream of research verifying the use of Linux in the enterprise, there are lingering doubts as to the prevalence of Linux in mission critical environments.

KDE On Windows Continues: After Christian Ehrlicher announced that he would step down from packaging and bug fixing for KDE on Windows, some articles were written which suggest that KDE on Windows is on hold now that the main developer has moved on. Even though KDE on Windows is only a small project and from the loss of one developer will be felt, we are far from dead. The Windows port has not been a one-man-project and many other people are still involved. KDE on Windows will continue to be developed and packages will continue to be made.

Linux and Windows battle for netbooks: The war between open source and Microsoft Windows to be the operating system of choice for netbooks is hotting up, with some major skirmishes last week. But who is winning? Netbooks running open source were the star of last week's Computex show, which saw a flurry of demonstrations of Linux, Moblin and Android-based devices, noted Jim Zemlin, the executive director of the Linux Foundation.

Netbook has 500GB drive, "eight hour" battery: BenQ is readying a netbook boasting an 11.6-inch display, optional HSPA, "eight hour" battery, and the largest (500GB) HDD (hard disk drive) we've heard of. In addition to offering the "Joybook Lite U121 Eco" for Linux and Windows XP, BenQ also announced an upcoming Android netbook.

First Driver for USB 3.0: After a year-and-a-half's worth of work, Intel hacker Sarah Sharp announced that Linux will be the first operating system supporting USB 3.0.

Why Normal People Don't Use Linux: A way back I blogged in a self-important and knowing way about Why People Don’t Use GNU/Linux. I'd like to update that now, and thus the appearance of The Four Eyes..

Microsoft's Pyrrhic Victory in the Netbook War: The rise of the netbook has been an extraordinary saga. When the Asus Eee PC was first launched at the end of 2007, it seemed to come from nowhere: there was no real precedent for such a low-cost, small machine, using solid state storage and running GNU/Linux.

High Netbook Return Rate? Windows Is the Problem: Note that the quoted story wasn't referring to netbooks running Linux. It was referring to all Intel Atom powered netbooks. I am assured over and over again by tech pundits like Mr. Weinberg that nowadays almost all those netbooks run Windows, not Linux. Did it ever occur to people that Windows might actually be the cause of the disappointment customers face and the high returns?

What Open Source shares with Science: One of the overlooked advantages that Open Source development affords, is that it imitates perhaps the most fruitful and beneficial of all human endeavours: Science. How has the scientific-method evolved, and what can it teach us about the future possibilities of software construction?

5 disadvantages of Linux: When someone want to switch from Windows to Linux, he or she has a tendency to only think about the advantages of Linux and not think about the disadvantages. Most people have very good reasons to switch from Windows to Linux, but before actually switching it is important to review the disadvantages of Linux as well as the advantages.


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