LXer Weekly Roundup for 28-Mar-2010
Ubuntu One Music Store Now Available For All: Ubuntu One Music Store has been in closed beta for a long time, but today it finally entered the public beta so everyone can start using the new service which is available as a plugin for Rhythmbox, the default music player in Ubuntu Lucid (but soon, other music players will also support Ubuntu One Music Store). Of WINE and Viruses: I got a call from one of my clients last night, he's running SuperOS, SuperOS it seems comes with WINE installed by default. His complaint was that he was getting these icons appearing on his system tray, and when he clicked on them they opened a control panel - he sent me an email with a snapshot of the control panel, and the multiple icons on his system tray. Si emailed him back to say stop clicking on the icons and I'll be there later. GIMP 2.8 development still under control : "A while back I announced the creation of a schedule for GIMP 2.8 development. I've made sure to keep this schedule up to date, and after a bunch of initial adjustments such as postponing some feature and adding others, the schedule has now stabilized a bit." ... "As far as development goes I have continued working on the UI in general and single-window mode in particular. There is now only one major thing missing before single-window mode is ready for some real usage" Dru Lavigne made me do it: I killed Debian, installed an unbootable Ubuntu, now I'm running FreeBSD 8.0 with GNOME: I began the day listening to Dru Lavigne's BSD talk at SCALE. That same day I installed FreeBSD 8.0-release, which I've been running since last week. 50 Places Linux is Running That You Might Not Expect: It was not long ago when Microsoft Windows had a tight stranglehold on the operating system market. Walk into a Circuit City or Staples, it seemed, and virtually any computer you took home would be running the most current flavor of Windows. Ditto for computers ordered direct from a manufacturer. In the last decade, though, the operating system market has begun to change. Slightly more than 5% of all computers now run Mac, according to NetMarketShare.com. Linux is hovering just beneath 1% of the overall market share in operating systems. And although that might sound like a small number, Linux is far more than just a fringe OS. In fact, it's running in quite a few more places than you probably suspect. Install Multiple 'Bleeding Edge' Firefox Versions in Linux: Whether you want to run the newest and safest version of Firefox or you want to test a new Alpha, it might happen the package manager of your Linux distribution doesn't include the version you want. In this article we'll look at ways to install the newest version beyond the package manager, and even better: Running multiple Firefox versions on the same system - even at the same time! Microsoft and .NET: ..The most important part is that Microsoft has shot the .NET ecosystem in the foot because of the constant thread of patent infringement that they have cast on the ecosystem. Unlike the Java world that is blossoming with dozens of vibrant Java virtual machine implementations, the .NET world has suffered by this meme spread by Ballmer that they would come after people that do not license patents from them. Ubuntu 10.4 beta is bloody brilliant: "I’ve been playing with the Ubuntu 10.4 beta for the past two days, and it’s bloody brilliant. You’re sick of hearing it, I know. Every Ubuntu release sends fanboys scrambling for the same, old script – the one where Ubuntu cracks the mainstream, crushes Windows and convinces the ignorant public that open source can cure cancer and inspire world peace."
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