LXer Weekly Roundup for 01-Jan-2012

Posted by Scott_Ruecker on Jan 3, 2012 12:52 AM
LXer Linux News; By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.)

LXer Feature: 02-Jan-2012

You have my apologies for the lateness of my first Weekly Roundup of 2012 but I have been as sick as its gets over the weekend and have only just now come to realize what year it is. Enjoy!

10 Reasons Why Not to Install Linux: Has Jonquil went off the deep end and started advocating people not use Linux now? The answer is no, not in the least. However I recognize there are some user requirements Linux doesn’t cover, and think it’s important to share these incompatibilities with those who would install Linux so we can ensure they’re getting the best possible experience once they load up their first Linux distribution. Here are ten reasons I have found why not to install Linux:

27 top Linux-powered Christmas gifts: It's no longer hard to find a Christmas gift that runs Linux, thanks to the popularity of Google's Android. The Tuxy possibilities go far beyond tablets and smartphones, however, as we highlight in a list of 27 top gift picks for 2011.

Wargus - Open-Source Warcraft II On Linux: An update has been released to Wargus, an open-source version of the Warcraft II game that was originally released back in the 90's. Pali Rohár has taken over the Wargus project as the open-source version of Blizzard's Warcraft II. It works under Linux too. However, you do need a copy of the game's CD for Wargus to work as it relies upon the original game assets. Besides running natively on Windows and Linux, there's been Wargus ports to the Nokia N900 (Maemo), PocketPC, GP2X, Windows Mobile Phone, and Android, among other platforms.

Why Stop Billions When You Can Stop Millions.....?: The Point is, software and network engineers will find a way around this. Be it a browser extension or a stand-alone VPN solution, people will access what they want to access. What the **AA's and Congress fail to realize is that the Genie is out of the bottle. The Internet is what it is and some bought-and-paid-for congressional lackey isn't going to legislate it otherwise.

Can 17,000 patents help Android win a legal Cold War?: "Patent lawsuit filed against Android" has become a distressingly familiar headline for Google and its hardware partners. With Microsoft signing license agreements covering more than 50 percent of Android phones, Apple working the courts to block sales of HTC and Samsung devices, and various lawsuits launched by rivals from Oracle to BT, the Android mobile operating system is stumbling through a legal minefield.

KDE SC 4.8 – Is KDE In A Permanent Feature Freeze?: So what is going on? To be honest, I don’t know. I don’t follow the KDE development community as closely as I used to (which may be an indication that KDE is just not generating any excitement in its user base any more). However as a KDE user, I worry. I worry that KDE is no longer moving forward. I worry that somehow its developers have lost their passion, their drive and their way.

Linux Controversies of 2011: Does Richard Stallman Still Matter?: There has long been a contingent that doesn't agree with RMS or his views. In 2011, they all rose to the surface lambasting him over his two sentence comment about the untimely passing of the late founder of Apple, Steve Jobs. The relevancy of RMS and his 'fanatical' views was questioned in blogs and editorials big and small, anchored on his comments about Job's demise.

Microsoft Could Seize Third Place in Mobile in 2012: It wasn't exactly a great year for Microsoft on the mobile front as Windows Phone 7 struggled to find marketshare, but if it can seize the moment in 2012, Microsoft could have a shot at a solid third behind Apple and Google -- and that wouldn't be so bad.

Actual damages for single unauthorized download of software program held to be cost of single license fee: In Real View v. 20-20, an "actual damages" copyright infringement case, the Court held that the actual damages for an unauthorized download of a computer program was limited to the cost of an actual license fee

Google taking off apps from the market- Without Warning!: If you have recently bought an Android device, I bet you are hooked onto it- especially the Android market. When I bought my Android tablet, I kept downloading and trying new apps all the time. And why wouldn’t I? The Android market of Google has certainly got the best apps. Compare this to Apple iPhone. Apple market isn’t open like Android’s. Android market allows developers to complete their apps and lets users download them without seeking permissions from anyone.

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Hope You're Feeling Better Scott! beirwin 4 2,240 Jan 4, 2012 3:31 AM

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