LXer Weekly Roundup for 25-Mar-2012

Posted by Scott_Ruecker on Mar 26, 2012 10:25 AM
LXer Linux News; By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.)

LXer Feature: 26-Mar-2012

The latest installment of the LXer Weekly Roundup for your reading pleasure.

Let's Play: Test Drive Unlimited: Today I tested for you a racing game, a great racing game, with wonderful landscapes and awesome cars... Ladies and gentlemen, Test Drive Unlimited!

Interview: Richard Stallman: It's been a while since we caught up with Stallman. But a couple months ago we took a look around at what's happening with law, politics and technology and realized that he maybe perhaps his extremism and paranoia were warranted all along. So when we were contacted by an Iranian Linux publication and asked if we would like to publish an English translation of a recent interview they had done with Stallman, I thought that it was a particularly rich opportunity.

Fragmentation bomb wounds Android in developer war: A new study conducted by IDC and mobile-developer platform and services company Appcelerator has determined that as Google's open source Android operating system becomes more and more fragmented, fewer and fewer developers are putting it on their "must-code-for" list. "We've seen a steady erosion of interest in Android" among developers, Appcelerator's principal mobile strategist Mike King told The Reg in a prebriefing before the study was released on Tuesday morning.

The Linux Setup - Jon “maddog” Hall, Linux International: A great interview with Linux legend Jon "maddog" Hall, where he talks about why easy software doesn't mean better software and where he shares some advice on how to pick a distribution.

Fedora 16 And GNOME Shell: Tested And Reviewed: Ubuntu and Mint don't want it; Linus called it an “unholy mess.” While most other distros are passing up or postponing GNOME Shell, Fedora is full steam ahead. Does Red Hat know something the rest of us don't? Or is GNOME 3 really as bad as everyone says?

KDE vs Unity: Is KDE Better Than Unity?: I have been using KDE under openSUSE for a while now, and for the first time in my life started to love KDE. Last night I went on a test driver and installed couple of KDE centric distributions including Mageia and Mandriva just for the sake of comparison. These two distributions showed what wonders can be done with KDE, if integrated well. The moment I booted into Kubuntu, I realised why Kubuntu is so low in Distrowatch (at 27). This is ironic because the 26 spots are dominated by KDE centric distros such as Arch, Mageia, PCLinuxOS, Chakra, Mandriva, etc.

Say hello to Canonical's new Linux desktop: Ubuntu 12.04 beta review: Canonical’s next long-term support release of its flagship Linux distribution, Ubuntu 12.04 is in late beta. This next release, due out on April 26th, is in beta now. I’ve been using it for several weeks now and so far, so good. Indeed, the new Ubuntu is good enough already that I’ve it on my default Ubuntu system: a 2009-era Gateway DX4710. This PC is powered by a 2.5-GHz Intel Core 2 Quad processor and has 6GBs of RAM and an Intel GMA (Graphics Media Accelerator) 3100 for graphics. No, it’s not fast, but unlike Windows 8’s beta, you don’t need a fast computer for Ubuntu.

How to enable command autocomplete by searching history in Linux: Being a Linux user for many users I am using command line a lot. A very useful functionality of Linux command line is autocompleting commands by reverse searching history. What I mean by that? Let's say that while I am typing some commands I want to reuse a cat command I had typed 10 commands ago. Instead of pressing the up arrow 10 times to find this comand I will just type cat and pressing up arrow will bring back only those commands I have already typed starting with cat. Here's how to enable it.

6 Essential Free Linux Guitar Tools: This feature focuses in selecting the finest Linux applications that are targeted at guitarists. All of the software featured here is released under freely distributable licenses, to download at no charge, and are easy to install and intuitive to use.

Scientific Linux, the Great Distro With the Wrong Name: Scientific Linux is an unknown gem, one of the best Red Hat Enterprise Linux clones. The name works against it because it's not for scientists; rather it's maintained by science organizations. Let's kick the tires on the latest release and see what makes it special.

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