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Being a Free/Open Source Software Catalyst : Part I

LXer Feature: 18-Jan-2011

Having trouble convincing the Boss when it comes to FOSS? This article discusses common pitfalls that arise when advocating Free / Open Source software in your organization. This is part I of a series of articles focused upon being a part of FOSS culture change.

Rant Mode Equals One: Linux on the Door Stop

LXer Feature: 06-Jan-2011

Paul Ferris reviews the state of Linux over the past decade from multiple perspectives: cloud, desktop, tablet and finally infrastructure market. The most pressing question rises to the top: Will 2011 be the year of Linux on the Doorstop?

Ohio Linux Fest [September 25-26] Back to the Future of Linux -- Celebrating 40 Years of Unix!

Don't miss your last chance to register for Ohio Linux Fest! A mere two weeks away on September 25-26, it's coming faster than a Free Software freight train! Registration has been lighter than past years please forward this release to friends in the Ohio and surrounding areas. Columbus, Ohio The seventh annual Ohio LinuxFest will be on September 25-26, 2009 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center, in downtown Columbus, Ohio.

Ohio Linux Fest [September 25-26] – Back to the Future of Linux!

Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio Linux community continues its forward march and is gaining momentum every year. Each year brings a new group of speakers and generates more excitement—2009 will be no exception! The seventh annual Ohio LinuxFest will be on September 25-26, 2009 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center, in downtown Columbus, Ohio.

Linux Education in America: Inspiration from Russia?

LXer Feature: 24-Sept-2007

The reason that the Russian announcement is funny boils down to the perception over the years that Russia equates to totalitarianism, whilst here in America we're all about Freedom and innovation. Yet our educational system -- the very underpinnings of how we're growing out future technological talent, is based upon the inversion of what one would expect given the respective reputations of both countries.

Linux Freedom Never Cries

LXer Feature: 17-Sep-2007

As I write this, I'm two weeks away from Ohio Linux Fest, a community event in Ohio focused upon Free Software.

I get to use Linux a lot these days. It's ingrained in my professional and personal life so much that it's easy to forget just how much territory the Free Software movement has gained. That realization made me aware that possibly we've taken a lot for granted.

Ohio LinuxFest call for papers deadline is nearly here!

COLUMBUS, OHIO -- June 26, 2007 -- The call for presentations deadline for Ohio LinuxFest 2007 is approaching rapidly. The last date for presentation submissions is July 15, 2007.

Ohio Linux Fest Call for Presenters!

Organizers of the 5th Annual Ohio LinuxFest are seeking presenters to share their expertise with an estimated 1,000 members of the “Linux community,” a diverse group of end users, independent developers and others associated with the open-source computer operating system. The Linux system is one of the world’s most successful examples of free, open source software. It is passionately supported by a community that extends across the globe – a community that turns up in droves for Ohio Linux Fest, the largest event of its kind in the Midwest.

FeriCyde Analysis: Linux Attacks Rare But May Rise

Paul Ferris discusses the inherent problems of news sources with large stock interests at stake.

Rant Mode Equals One: Let's Re-License Redmond

LXer Feature: 16-Oct-2006

There's yet another "feature" missing in Linux -- it doesn't look for hardware changes and shut itself off, only to be reactivated once the owner has phoned someone to beg to use the software they already have the rights to use. Paul Ferris discusses yet another benefit of using Free Software; You don't have to worry about the product getting crippled or removed just because you simply added new hardware or switched to a new PC.

Ohio Linux Fest Looms!

Ohio Linux Fest -- The name says it all. Don't miss out if you live near Ohio, because the biggest Linux event in the area is about to go down September 30.

Top 10 Things You Could Be Doing Instead of Attending Ohio Linux Fest

Don't miss Ohio Linux Fest. The biggest Linux party in the Midwest is coming up September 30 in Columbus Ohio.

Rant Mode Equals One: Score: Digital Privacy 0, Digital Piracy 1.

Without a doubt there's a ton of people swapping the latest No Doubt album via some illicit P2P program, but that's not the piracy I'm referring to here -- I'm talking about your Aunt who had her computer compromised because she clicked the wrong email, subscribed to the wrong broadband service, or simply left her computer on during the night. Oh, let's not forget: Maybe she slid the wrong CD in to listen to some music she bought, as well.

LXer Feature: Rant Mode Equals One: Microsoft Media Bias

I'm a fan of GNU/Linux and Free/Open Source Software (FOSS). Most readers that write me, even ones that disagree with my perspective, count it toward the plus side. They understand my bias -- there's never been any question of it...

We, at, don't have all of the answers. I'm not paid to give them to you and I certainly don't even begin to think that if I were, I would have them all. But I can speak about what I do know. I have some friends here that share the same opinions. They know that to speak the truth, to be true to your own beliefs -- to call them like they see them -- that is where the true power is.

The War (II)

Paul writes: "People should care about these issues, and over time we've seen things like the Electronic Frontier Foundation emerge and other politically oriented groups, but I believe in the past decade we've only scratched the surface of what we have to do to ensure digital democracy, so to speak."

Ohio Linux Fest Event Schedule

The Ohio Linux Fest event schedule has been posted! The event is scheduled for Saturday, October 1, 2005 Columbus, Ohio and Chris Hicks from IBM is doing the opening Key Note. The event, by the way, is still FREE (as in beer). Enjoy!

Ohio Linux Fest Needs You!

The Ohio LinuxFest volunteers have been working hard to make the third annual Ohio LinuxFest the best yet. This year's event will take place at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in downtown Columbus, Ohio, on Saturday October 1, 2005.

MidWestern LXers Unite -- Register Now for Ohio Linux Fest!

Time to register for Ohio LinuxFest! The Greater Columbus Convention Center has been secured for the event. Reminder: Speaker registration has been extended to August 15, 2005. If you live in or near Ohio (Kentucky, Indiana, Pennsylvania, West Virginia), you should consider going to the event. Even organizers are asking that you forward this announcement to your LUG members and friends.

Pre-Register now for Ohio LinuxFest!

Ohio LinuxFest registration is now open. Speaker registration has been extended to August 15, 2005. It promises to be the biggest Ohio Linux event ever!

Brazil may build $100 laptops

Brazil is seriously considering a plan to build 2 million low-cost laptops, with half to be distributed for free in local schools while the other half would be exported, officials said Thursday. Ed: (Guess what O/S these laptops will run?)

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