LXer Features
Install Multiple 'Bleeding Edge' Firefox Versions in Linux
By H.Kwint - The Netherlands - Mar 24, 2010
LXer Weekly Roundup for 21-Mar-2010LXer Feature: 24-Mar-2010
Whether you want to run the newest and safest version of Firefox or you want to test a new Alpha, it might happen the package manager of your Linux distribution doesn't include the version you want. In this article we'll look at ways to install the newest version beyond the package manager, and even better: Running multiple Firefox versions on the same system - even at the same time!
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Mar 23, 2010
Of WINE and VirusesLXer Feature: 23-Mar-2010
Sorry for the late posting of the LXWR. This past week we had several different Ubuntu related items including Mark Shuttleworth stating "This is not a democracy", a list of Linux applications you might not know of and our Hans Kwint shows us that there are real alternatives to the iPad. Enjoy!
By Tracyanne - Mar 22, 2010
Linux alternatives for the iPad - and the future of netbooks, tablets and smartbooksLXer Feature: 22-Mar-2010
I turned to him and said "you've been surfing the porn sites, haven't you."
By H.Kwint - Mar 19, 2010
LXer Weekly Roundup for 14-Mar-2010LXer Feature: 19-Mar-2010
Apart from Apple, some other companies are bringing some interesting tablets. In contrary to the iTab, those other tablets do run Linux. Some are already available, such as the TouchBook from Always Innovating (AI), and some have supposedly better screens, like the Notion Ink Adam tablet. From the info available from Sola's blog on the Notion Ink tablet, from the Wikipedia-info on the iPad and AI Touchbook and from the website of the AI touchbook I made a feature table so you can compare features. Apart from that, let's take a look at the future: What technologies are coming to this market?
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Mar 15, 2010
Windows: Choice But No ChoiceLXer Feature: 15-Mar-2010
This past week on LXer we had Jonathan Schwartz reminiscing in "Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal", a newbies guide to hacking the Linux kernel, Phoronix reviews power and memory usage in the various desktop environments, Former Sun chief open source officer Simon Phipps joins the OSI board, Jack Deslippe explains why he no longer uses Apple products and last but not least my editorial on why Windows users have no Choice. Enjoy!
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Mar 08, 2010
LXer Weekly Roundup for 07-Mar-2010LXer Feature: 08-Mar-2010
In the area of window managers Linux users are completely and totally spoiled rotten. We constantly debate the merits of one desktop environment/window manager over another. We argue over what programs are better than others, what versions of those programs we like over another and getting in world class pissing contests all the while crying about what we wish they would do better or differently. I wish Windows users had this problem, but they don't. Why? Because they have no choice.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Mar 07, 2010
Contributing Upstream: An EditorialLXer Feature: 07-Mar-2010
In the LXWR this week we have Munich showing off its migration to Linux at CeBIT, Ubuntu opens up a music store, a nice review of OpenShot, Jeff Hoogland 'mints' his girlfriends laptop, the three giants of Linux and a LXer feature about contributing upstream..enjoy!
By Rory Frankson - Mar 05, 2010
LXer Weekly Roundup for 28-Feb-2010LXer Feature: 05-Mar-2010
The foundations of Linux, with how it has been developed and when we look at the Debian model on which Ubuntu is based, the contributions of developers by and large are because of their common interests and a willingness to accept conceptualizations. In recently viewing an interview with Mark Shuttleworth these contributions were stated. Passing on the valor per-say to that foundation and the current developers engaged in the Ubuntu project.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Feb 28, 2010
SCALE 8x: Review Of My Road Trip To L.A.LXer Feature: 28-Feb-2010
In this week's LXWR we have a Ubuntu fanboy who comes clean, A Windows metrics source lies about his identity, is Linux Distro-hopping a Thing of the Past?, SCALE 8x: Review Of My Road Trip To L.A. and a whole lot more.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Feb 26, 2010
The LXer Swag Shop Now Open!LXer Feature: 26-Feb-2010
I was going to just cover the 2nd and 3rd days of SCALE 8x but after getting back home and sitting myself down in front of my favorite compy and started thinking about it, I figured I might as well go all out and give you a full recap of my road trip from Phoenix to Los Angeles for SCALE 8x and back.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix U.S.) - Feb 25, 2010
LXer Weekly Roundup for 21-Feb-2010LXer Feature: 24-Feb-2010
Looking for something cool to show your love for LXer that will make you the envy of geeks everywhere? Then check out the new LXer Swag Shop!
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Feb 22, 2010
SCALE 8x: Day 1 - WIOS TalksLXer Feature: 21-Feb-2010
The big stories this past week included Intel and Nokia announcing that they are going to merge their mobile Linux efforts and call it MeeGo , the top 25 programming errors list gets updated, Eric Van Haesendonck says what he thinks is wrong with Android and Miguel de Icaza gives an update on what his team at Novell has been up too. Also, a list of 20 computers you will probably use in the near future, five great Netbook operating systems, Twitter shares their open source with the world and a whole lot more in This week's LXWR.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Feb 20, 2010
LXer Weekly Roundup for 14-Feb-2010LXer Feature: 20-Feb-2010
My review of the first day of SCALE 8x and the WIOS talks I attended.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Feb 14, 2010
LXer Weekly Roundup for 07-Feb-2010LXer Feature: 14-Feb-2010
In honor of Valentine's Day we have Ken Starks take on nerd mating rituals, Carla Schroder actually gets emotional about Ubuntu, Juliet Kemp espouses the goodness of Xfce and Computer Bob continues his Debian adventure along with Google Buzz, Scientists releasing code and more in the LXer Weekly Roundup.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Feb 08, 2010
LXer@FOSDEM 2010: Anyone else going?LXer Feature: 07-Feb-2010
By H.Kwint - Feb 05, 2010
Asus 9 inch NetbookLXer Feature: 05-Feb-2010
Tonight FOSDEM 2010 starts with the beer event, and tomorrow the main conference starts. It's held again at the University 'ULB' in Brussels south-east (near the embassies) in Belgium.
Just like last year, LXer will be there. I will try to go both days to cover some talks for you. The schedule promises some interesting talks like that of Greg Koah Hartman, another talk about the RepRap 'cheap' 3D printer that prints its own parts. There's also a Mozilla-room, a distro-room, an embedded room. a KDE and a Gnome room, the Drupal room, the 20-minute Lightning talks which could be about anything and many more.
By Tracyanne - Feb 01, 2010
LXer Weekly Roundup for 31-Jan-2010LXer Feature: 01-Feb-2010
A few weeks ago I was chatting with one of our Clients, he owns a company that does hooks up for prospective Employers with prospective Employees in the Fitness Industry, and in the process makes a few bob. He was complaining about his Asus netbook, which had Windows XP loaded on it, and how it has been getting progressively slower over time and knowing I use Linux, in fact I had recommended last year that he get someone, or do it himself and install Ubuntu UNR. He asked if I would install Linux on his machine.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Feb 01, 2010
LXer Weekly Roundup for 24-Jan-2010LXer Feature: 01-Feb-2010
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Jan 25, 2010
Thoughts on Youtube 'abandoning' Firefox and OperaLXer Feature: 25-Jan-2010
By H.Kwint - Jan 23, 2010
LXer Weekly Roundup for 17-Jan-2010LXer Feature: 23-Jan-2010
A new test version of Youtube offers HTML 5 video support, meaning watching videos without Adobe Flash, but only when browsing with Chrome or Safari. While this might seem strange at first, and might sound like Google is abandoning its Firefox users, things are a little bit more complicated.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Jan 19, 2010
LXer Weekly Roundup for 10-Jan-2010LXer Feature: 18-Jan-2010
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Jan 11, 2010
LXer Weekly Roundup for 03-Jan-2010LXer Feature: 11-Jan-2010
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Jan 05, 2010
I just discovered somethingLXer Feature: 04-Jan-2010
By tracyanne - Dec 14, 2009
LXer Weekly Roundup for 29-Nov-2009LXer Feature: 14-Dec-2009
The rest of you may already be aware of this, but I just discovered something about Ubuntu I was not aware of.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Nov 30, 2009
Transparently uploading and accessing encrypted files and directories to a Cloud ServiceLXer Feature: 30-Nov-2009
By Tracy Anne Barlow - Nov 28, 2009
iPhone & HTML5 bring "streaming Silverlight content" to LinuxLXer Feature: 28-Nov-2009
The idea is to store ones files on a cloud (Ubuntu One), so that they remain private, using encryption, but so that they can be transparently uploaded and downloaded and accessed, as if they are unencrypted files.
By H.Kwint - Nov 26, 2009
LXer Weekly Roundup for 22-Nov-2009LXer Feature: 26-Nov-2009
Here's a quick blog, because I'm really in hurry, so please forgive any mistakes.
Microsoft worked together with Apple to bring Silverlight video to the iPhone. What this solution basically does is take a video at the server side, cut it in parts and convert the parts to separate H.264 streams. Then stream those files to end users with IIS Media services. These have .ts extensions, a format mplayer understands.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Nov 23, 2009
LXer Weekly Roundup for 15-Nov-2009LXer Feature: 23-Nov-2009
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Nov 17, 2009
LXer Weekly Roundup for 01-Nov-2009LXer Feature: 16-Nov-2009
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Nov 02, 2009
Ubuntu "Stick" Blues - or USB for shortLXer Feature: 02-Nov-2009
By H. Kwint - The Netherlands - Oct 29, 2009
LXer Weekly Roundup for 25-Oct-2009LXer Feature: 29-Oct-2009
There could be several reasons why your PC doesn't have a CD-ROM. For example, the next scenario:
- 1) You damaged the mobo fan while hoovering dust,
- 2) The new fan you bought featured adhesive tape which didn't last at 60 degrees (C), and an iron cord didn't fix it, causing the fan to fall of,
- 3) The northbridge burned,
- 4) The new 'green' AMD780G mobo you bought could not facilitate both your CD-ROM and IDE drives,
- 5) Given your IDE drives were part of a RAID array, you decided not to connect your CD-ROM drives.
OK, your reasons will probably be different, but these are mine. "Not a problem" I thought. "After all, it's 2009. Who needs CD-ROMs anyway?" The answer is: Mandriva, Gentoo, Tinycore and even Windows 7 don't, but Debian derived stuff does. It makes your life really hard, while Ubuntu is meant to make your life as a human being simple.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Oct 27, 2009
LXer Book Review: Pro Linux System AdministrationLXer Feature: 26-Oct-2009
By Sander Marechal, The Netherlands - Oct 22, 2009
LXer Weekly Roundup for 18-Oct-2009
LXer Feature: 22-Oct-2009
“By the end of this book, You’ll be well on your way to becoming a Linux expert” is quite a bold claim for a book that is aimed at people who only have some familiarity with Windows and networking. “Pro Linux System Administration” by James Turnbull, Peter Lieverdink and Dennis Matotek aims to do precisely that and surprisingly, it largely succeeds. In its 1080 pages it explains how you can set up and configure multiple Linux servers to operate a small business network. Starting with basic Linux management and working up the stack through networking, e-mail and webservers you will end up with a pretty complete network that includes document management, groupware and disaster recovery.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Oct 19, 2009
LXer Weekly Roundup for 11-Oct-2009LXer Feature: 19-Oct-2009
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Oct 12, 2009
LXer Weekly Roundup for 27-Sept-2009LXer Feature: 12-Oct-2009
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Sep 28, 2009
Ohio LinuxFest report: "Forty Years of Unix"LXer Feature: 28-Sept-2009
By anonymous - Sep 28, 2009
LXer Weekly Roundup for 20-Sept-2009LXer Feature: 28-Sept-2009
I just got back from OhioLinuxFest "Forty Years of Unix," and I want to report on what I heard, who I saw, and what I learned. I wasn't sure how it would be this year, with a slowed economy. Compared to last year, it had fewer exhibitors, but roughly the same number of attendees. The raffle tickets sold out, which is a good sign for any fund-raising activity.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Sep 21, 2009
LXer Weekly Roundup for 13-Sept-2009LXer Feature: 21-Sept-2009
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Sep 14, 2009
LXer Weekly Roundup for 30-Aug-2009LXer Feature: 14-Sept-2009
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Aug 31, 2009
Secure VoIP, GNU SIP Witch, and replacing Skype with free softwareLXer Feature: 31-Aug-2009
By David Sugar - Aug 27, 2009
LXer Weekly Roundup for 16-Aug-2009LXer Feature: 27-Aug-2009
For a number of years I have been when possible working on what is called the GNU Telephony Secure Calling initiative to make communication intercept a thing of the past, whether for individuals, private organizations, or national governments, and to do so entirely using free software.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Aug 17, 2009
TomTom LeechesLXer Feature: 17-Aug-2009
By Tracyanne and TomTom - Aug 15, 2009
LXer Weekly Roundup for 19-Jul-2009LXer Feature: 15-Aug-2009
A month or so ago I purchased a TomTom One map/navigation device, only to discover there is no Linux client for TomTom home, and as a consequence i am unable to update the maps on the device, or indeed, any other useful information that is made available for the device.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Jul 20, 2009
LXer Weekly Roundup for 12-Jul-2009LXer Feature: 20-Jul-2009
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Jul 14, 2009
LXer Weekly Roundup for 06-Jul-2009LXer Feature: 13-Jul-2009
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Jul 06, 2009
LXer Book Review: Practical CakePHP ProjectsLXer Feature: 07-Jul-2009
By Sander Marechal, The Netherlands - Jun 25, 2009
LXer Weekly Roundup for 21-Jun-2009
LXer Feature: 25-Jun-2009
CakePHP has rapidly been gaining mindshare as a powerful and easy to use MVC framework for PHP. Mimicking Ruby on Rails, it allows developers to quickly prototype and build database driven websites and web applications. With increased popularity books usually follow. “Practical CakePHP Projects” by Kai Chan and John Omokore is one such book. It is aimed at advanced PHP developers who have some experience with CakePHP and builds on books like “Beginning CakePHP” (Apress, 2008). The book promised to show how to build practical, real-world web applications using the CakePHP frameworks.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Jun 22, 2009
LXer Weekly Roundup for 14-Jun-2009LXer Feature: 22-Jun-2009
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Jun 16, 2009
LXer Weekly Roundup for 07-Jun-2009LXer Feature: 15-Jun-2009
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Jun 08, 2009
LXer Feature: 08-Jun-2009
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