LXer Features

LXer Weekly Roundup for 20-Jan-2013
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Jan 21, 2013

LXer Feature: 20-Jan-2013

I need to apologize to all our readers. I have not been keeping up on the LXWR as of late and I am sorry. I could give many excuses but they would be just that, excuses. The roundup is going to get a lot better in the weeks ahead. It has yet to reach it's full potential and I know it.
Ubuntu releasing smartphone OS has better chance than other platforms
By ubuuser - Jan 09, 2013
LXer Feature: 09-Jan-2013

I am not talking about ubuntu winning against android, IOS or even windows, but ubuntu as an OS has more chance of winning than projects like tizen, bada, megoo, sailfish etc.
LXer Weekly Roundup for 16-Dec-2012
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Dec 17, 2012

LXer Feature: 17-Dec-2012

The latest installment of the Weekly Roundup. Enjoy!
LXer Weekly Roundup for 09-Dec-2012
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Dec 10, 2012

LXer Feature: 09-Dec-2012

The latest installment of the Weekly Roundup. Enjoy!
Correction on Secure Boot Article
By Carla Schroder - Dec 05, 2012
LXer Feature: 05-Dec-2012

This is an important correction to "Linux Has Not Won, Microsoft is as Dangerous as Ever, Fie on Secure Boot" that explains correctly how the Platform Key works.
Linux Has Not Won, Microsoft is as Dangerous as Ever, Fie on Secure Boot
By Carla Schroder - Dec 04, 2012
LXer Feature: 04-Dec-2012

I think UEFI Secure Boot is a shuck and a bald-faced Microsoft anti-competitive tool. I'll get to my reasons in a moment, because my most important point comes first:

Every purchase of a Windows license is an attack on Linux. Linux has not won, and Microsoft is as dangerous as ever.
LXer Weekly Roundup for 04-Nov-2012
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Nov 05, 2012

LXer Feature: 04-Nov-2012

The latest installment of the Weekly Roundup. Enjoy!
LXer Weekly Roundup for 28-Oct-2012
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Oct 29, 2012

LXer Feature: 28-Oct-2012

The latest installment of the Weekly Roundup. Enjoy!
KDE4 Plasma Active
By tracyanne - Oct 11, 2012

LXer Feature: 11-Oct-2012

I've recently replaced Unity, on the little MSI Netbook, that I wrote about recently after installing Ubuntu/Unity on it.
LXer Weekly Roundup for 07-Oct-2012
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Oct 08, 2012

LXer Feature: 07-Oct-2012

The latest installment of the Weekly Roundup. Enjoy!
LXer Weekly Roundup for 23-Sept-2012
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Sep 24, 2012

LXer Feature: 24-Sept-2012

The latest installment of the Weekly Roundup. Enjoy!
LXer Weekly Roundup for 16-Sept-2012
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Sep 17, 2012

LXer Feature: 16-Sept-2012

The latest installment of the Weekly Roundup. Enjoy!
LXer Weekly Roundup for 02-Sept-2012
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Sep 03, 2012

LXer Feature: 03-Sept-2012

For your long weekend reading pleasure I bring you more on the Apple v. Samsung court proceedings, Firefox 15 goes on a memory diet, Linus shows his love for the Gnome desktop again, Apparently Apple killed the Linux desktop and no one told me and Baldur's Gate might get ported to Linux. Enjoy
LXer Weekly Roundup for 26-Aug-2012
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Aug 27, 2012

LXer Feature: 26-Aug-2012

The latest installment of the LXer Weekly Roundup for your reading pleasure. Enjoy!

LXer Weekly Roundup for 19-Aug-2012
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Aug 19, 2012

LXer Feature: 19-Aug-2012

In the Roundup this week we have a 3.5.5 review of GNOME, as well as going all out and starting a OS of there own, Debian celebrates its 19th birthday, Red Hat finally commits to OpenStack and Carla Schroder talks about discovering and monitoring your hardware. Enjoy!
LXer Weekly Roundup for 12-Aug-2012
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Aug 12, 2012

LXer Feature: 12-Aug-2012

The latest installment of the LXer Weekly Roundup for your reading pleasure. Enjoy!
ownCloud Invades More Distros, Apple AppStore, and Google Play
By Carla Schroder - Aug 01, 2012
LXer Feature: 01-Aug-2012

ownCloud is a baby in the cloud space, but a fast-growing and useful baby. ownCloud was born at a KDE community event in 2010, and is already an easy and flexible server for sharing and syncing files.
LXer Weekly Roundup for 29-Jul-2012
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Jul 29, 2012

LXer Feature: 29-Jul-2012

The latest installment of the LXer Weekly Roundup for your reading pleasure. Enjoy!
LXer Weekly Roundup for 22-Jul-2012
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Jul 23, 2012

LXer Feature: 23-Jul-2012

In this week's Roundup we have Richard Stallman speaking out against UEFI, 5 things about Linux virtualization you might not know, Apple gets spanked in court, a revamped Nautilus for Ubuntu 12.10, Cinnamon comes to Fedora, and how free is your phone? Enjoy!
LXer Weekly Roundup for 15-Jul-2012
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Jul 16, 2012

LXer Feature: 16-Jul-2012

The latest installment of the LXWR of the weeks big stories for your reading pleasure. Enjoy!
LXer Weekly Roundup for 01-Jul-2012
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Jul 02, 2012

LXer Feature: 02-Jul-2012

The latest installment of the LXWR of the weeks big stories for your reading pleasure. Sorry its a day late. Enjoy!
Happy Fifth, Scott Ruecker!
By Carla Schroder - Jun 22, 2012

LXer Feature: 22-Jun-2012

Can you believe it? Our esteemed Editor-in-Chief has been toiling at LXer for five freaking years!
Linux and FOSS Are Not Selfish
By Carla Schroder - Jun 13, 2012

LXer Feature: 13-Jun-2012

This "selfishness" business has never sat right with me, and lionizing Linus' "cute" insults is tiresome and counter-productive. Characterizing the motivations of FOSS contributors "selfish" is wrong, and here is why.
LXer Weekly Roundup for 10-Jun-2012
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Jun 11, 2012

LXer Feature: 10-Jun-2012

All kinds of big news this week for you LXWR readers out there. Linus express his true feelings for the newest Gnome, Red Hat decides to get into bed with Microsoft, Our own Carla Schroder has an opinion on it, Mark Shuttleworth thinks Windows Azure is great..and here I thought I had heard it all. Nope, not even close. Enjoy!
Red Hat Drinks the Microsoft Kool-Aid
By Carla Schroder - Jun 07, 2012
LXer Feature: 07-Jun-2012

Fie on ye, Red Hat. It's a sad bad day when you polish the Microsoft road apple.
Can Ubuntu Be What Everyone Would Use?
By ubuuser - May 28, 2012

LXer Feature: 28-May-2012

Whenever there has been new transition, people have resisted to adapt to changes. Same has happened for gnome 3 based desktops. Specially from people who used to use gnome 2 as their primary desktop environment. Change for just the shake of change is not the best solution in most cases. However changes with desktops is something that can make or break the deal.
Why Wine is Important!
By Rpim - May 15, 2012
LXer Feature: 15-May-2012

Wine enables you to run some Windows programs on Linux. If we work on wine I think Linux the desktop will become extremely popular and successful. I'll explain why. You often here people say things similar to gaming on Linux is rubbish..

LXer Weekly Roundup for 13-May-2012
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - May 14, 2012

LXer Feature: 13-May-2012

In the LXWR this week we have all kinds of FOSS news including our own Dr. Tony Young asking how long a piece of string is, Dell announces Linux laptop designed for devs, Microsoft wants to restrict access to its OS..I know, I wasn't surprised either. Dinotrac asks for some advice, Larry the Software Guy gives an apology, Carla Schroder asks where Linux innovates or imitates as well as a Ubuntu 12.04 review. Enjoy!
The good and bad of Ubuntu 12.04 (part 2)
By ubuuser - May 12, 2012
LXer Feature: 12-May-2012

I had written an article in beta days. I want to revisit the topic. No operating system is perfect, so to consider Ubuntu to be bug free is just like saying software does not have bugs. The reality is software always has bugs. Its the amount and severity of bugs that gives a good metrics of how usable a system is.
OK - So what do I tell my Mac friend?
By Dean Pannell (aka dinotrac) - May 10, 2012
LXer Feature: 10-May-2012

So...I'm at a Ruby hack night when a friend tells me that his older Mac Book slowed to a crawl with the new Lion OS, so...he's toying with the idea of putting on Linux. But...
How Long is a Piece of String?
By Dr. Tony Young - May 08, 2012

LXer Feature: 08-May-2012

This item is dedicated, with thanks to Gus3. Without his suggestion it never would have been written. I stress the following text involves Linux only obliquely......but I hope all my friends here on LXer will find it interesting, and perhaps, useful.
LXer Weekly Roundup for 22-Apr-2012
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Apr 23, 2012

LXer Feature: 22-Apr-2012

In the Roundup this week we have word of the first Raspberry Pi computers being delivered, Larry Ellison knocks Oracle's own Linux strategy, Linus Torvalds is up for a Millennium Technology Prize, Joey Bernard expounds on science the GNU Way, The Slackware website continues to be down, Guillermo Garron's iptables cheat sheet and contrary to popular belief Mandriva is alive. Enjoy!
LXer Weekly Roundup for 15-Apr-2012
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Apr 16, 2012

LXer Feature: 15-Apr-2012

The latest installment of the LXWR of the weeks big stories for your reading pleasure. Enjoy!
LXer Weekly Roundup for 25-Mar-2012
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Mar 26, 2012

LXer Feature: 26-Mar-2012

The latest installment of the LXer Weekly Roundup for your reading pleasure.
Create Your Own Ubuntu Distro
By - Feb 28, 2012

LXer Feature: 28-Feb-2012

If you have been using Ubuntu for several releases now, you know the time you had to spend on your computer on the installation day, e.g to configure different nuisances, install your work software, your favorite stuff etc. One such thing is multimedia support, sometimes networking issues, graphics issues and so on. If you break your system during that process you either dig deeper into the problem or start over again. Even after installation of Ubuntu, you want certain things Ubuntu ships to not be there. Many times I have had to remove certain default packages to make Ubuntu more to my liking. Today I will show how to create your own custom ubuntu DVD.
LXer Weekly Roundup for 26-Feb-2012
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Feb 27, 2012

LXer Feature: 26-Feb-2012

The latest installment of the LXer Weekly Roundup for your reading enjoyment.
LXer Weekly Roundup for 19-Feb-2012
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Feb 20, 2012

LXer Feature: 19-Feb-2012

The latest installment of the LXer Weekly Roundup for your reading enjoyment.
LXer Weekly Roundup for 12-Feb-2012
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Feb 13, 2012

LXer Feature: 13-Feb-2012

Its been quite the week, Canonical pulls the funding for Kubuntu, Jared Smith steps down as the Fedora project leader and then Robyn Bergeron is named as his successor, unsung heroes of Linux, Is Linux still cool? Is is fractured? and Why The Linux Desktop Matters More Than Ever, This Time? All these questions and more in this week's Roundup. Enjoy!
Why The Linux Desktop Matters More Than Ever, This Time?
By - Feb 12, 2012
LXer Feature: 12-Feb-2012

If we look back at failures of Linux on Desktops till today and analyze the technical part, it was due to hardware support and the software quality (GUI) that general computer users could use.
LXer Weekly Roundup for 05-Feb-2012
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Feb 05, 2012

LXer Feature: 05-Feb-2012

Is it February already? This week we have a new Linux powered Spark tablet and btrfs goes production ready. Take the road less traveled in installing Ubuntu, the death of file sharing, Venn diagrams and a whole lot more. Enjoy!
SCaLE 10x: Onward and Upward
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Jan 30, 2012

LXer Feature: 30-Jan-2012

As I walked into the Hilton on Saturday morning I knew something was up. I saw lots pf people wearing lanyards with a silhouette of a Penguin, it seemed SCaLE 10x was upon me already in full swing. I walked right onto the exhibitor floor and 'did a loop' through the Expo as it were..
Why OEM's Should Avoid (possibly) Making It Harder To Install Linux.
By Rpim - Jan 24, 2012
LXer Feature: 24-Jan-2012

There has been a lot of worry lately about windows 8 secure boot making it (possibly) much harder or impossible to install certain Linux's (possibly all) on pcs with windows 8 secure boot. So I decided to list the arguments against making it possibly harder or impossible to install Linux's.
LXer Weekly Roundup for 22-Jan-2012
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Jan 22, 2012

LXer Feature: 22-Jan-2012

What a week, no? What started out as Wikipedia joining Reddit, Mozilla and others in blacking out their websites this past Wednesday in protest to the SOPA and PIPA vote in Congress, quickly exploded into thousands of websites following suit. For one, it made surfing the internet on Wednesday a scavenger hunt to find a site that wasn't dark. And two, the ensuing media storm it created had the effect of actually getting Congress to postpone their vote on it. I have been in Los Angeles all weekend attending SCALE 10x and will have my full review for you later in the week, but I will tell you that it was bigger and better than ever. Enjoy!
LXer Weekly Roundup for 08-Jan-2012
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Jan 09, 2012

LXer Feature: 08-Jan-2012

In the Roundup this week we have 13 niche Linux distros, an OpenDNS freeze on Google, Linux on the Windows Cloud, Data predictions for 2012, some confusion about Gnome 3 and last but not least..could RMS have been right all along? Enjoy!
LXer Weekly Roundup for 01-Jan-2012
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Jan 03, 2012

LXer Feature: 02-Jan-2012

You have my apologies for the lateness of my first Weekly Roundup of 2012 but I have been as sick as its gets over the weekend and have only just now come to realize what year it is. Enjoy!
LXer Weekly Roundup for 25-Dec-2011
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Dec 26, 2011

LXer Feature: 25-Dec-2011

For Christmas this year I bring you a LXWR overloaded with FOSS goodness such as Larry the Free Software Guy spends a "Week in Limbo", BT gives the gift of a patent war to Google, Ubuntu..a Linux apart, two original articles entitled "Why The Linux Desktop Still Rocks" and "Why Linux Desktop Makes Total Sense", the 5 types of very annoying Linux users and last but not least Helios gets to play Santa..and likes it. Enjoy!
Why Linux Desktop Makes Total Sense
By - Dec 21, 2011

LXer Feature: 21-Dec-2011

Unity is more natural and user friendly to me than anything else..finally. I have not booted windows for 4 months. This is not one of those hate article or Windows vs Linux article, so if you have such intentions please feel free to escape this article presently.
Why The Linux Desktop Still Rocks
By Alfred 'vector' Moabi - Dec 20, 2011
LXer Feature: 20-Dec-2011

I needed that peace of mind that I never got with Windows, viruses always crashing my PC. I would have liked to get a Mac at some stage but the cost of it was a problem. Then I settled on Linux, and haven't looked back since.
LXer Weekly Roundup for 18-Dec-2011
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Dec 19, 2011
LXer Feature: 19-Dec-2011

In the news this past week we had Dell pulling out of the Netbook market, CNet caught adding malware to Download.com, two articles on how 2011 was apparently not a good year for Linux and our own Emery Fletcher's rendition of 'The Day The Desktop Died'. Enjoy!

LXer Weekly Roundup for 11-Dec-2011
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Dec 12, 2011
LXer Feature: 12-Dec-2011

In this week's Roundup we have another dagger in the heart of the desktop proclaimed, the Mozilla - Google deal still lives, a cool developerWorks article on shells in Linux, HP to contribute webOS to FOSS, Glyn moody and the Open Source TCO as well as the late addition of a LXer Feature entitled "Gnome 3, Try 3". Enjoy!

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