LXer Weekly Roundup for 09-Nov-2008
In this weeks Roundup we have Windows 7: Microsoft's Linux killer, the Linux Foundation feels sympathy for Microsoft, Examining alternative Linux distros, How the regular Windows user sees Linux, Why Linux sucks at being user friendly and things you didn't know you could do with Linux. Windows 7: Microsoft's Linux killer?: Linux has been making inroads into PC sales lately because it runs so well on lightweight netbooks with limited RAM and processing power. Windows 7, though, appears to run well on lightweight hardware as well, which could mean that it's Microsoft's Linux killer. At the recent PDC, where Windows 7 was unveiled, Windows and Windows Live senior vice president Steve Sinofsky claimed that Windows 7 used less than half of the 1 GB of RAM on his Lenovo S10 netbook. Making the new operating system lightweight has clearly been Microsoft's goal. In addition to light RAM use, Windows also strips out a variety of applications, including Windows Mail, among others. Linux Hater's Blog dead, long live the redux: On October 25, 2008, the Linux Hater's Blog reached the "eof", or end of file. But if you've been hassled endlessly by Linux lovers and are sick to death of Linux this and Linux that, fear not - the Linux Hater's Redux is born, with plenty of eye-opening news on problems with Linux. The Perfect Server - Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex (Ubuntu 8.10): This tutorial shows how to set up an Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex (Ubuntu 8.10) server that offers all services needed by ISPs and hosters: Apache web server (SSL-capable), Postfix mail server with SMTP-AUTH and TLS, BIND DNS server, Proftpd FTP server, MySQL server, Courier POP3/IMAP, Quota, Firewall, etc. 21 of the Best Free Linux Video Console Emulators: Emulation refers to the duplication of functions of one system using a different system. Specifically, an emulator is software specifically written to emulate aspects of the original console or computer, primarily the CPU, I/O and memory system. Examining Alternative Linux Distributions: Have you tried the major Linux distributions such as Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora/RHEL, and OpenSUSE/SLED? Were they not quite right for your needs? The major distros are not the only game in town. Find out the good, the bad, and the ugly about three of the best-known alternatives to the "big" user distros. Linux Foundation: Sympathy for Microsoft: A whole week of success stories for Linux and Open Source, while Microsoft is battling the press, thus the summary from Jim Zemlin, executive director of the Linux Foundation. Even the New York Times sees a good positioning for Linux on desktops. Zemlin begins his current blog entry with the words "It is hard for the executive director of the Linux Foundation to feel bad for Microsoft, but they are having a bad week..." How the regular Windows user sees Linux: One of these days I said, the perfect OS would be XP with more ram support (32 bit versions), the eyecandy from Leopard and the useful smart little features from Linux. Ubuntu is an african word meaning: if you want to run a usefull program you need to use wine (that in fact creates a virtual windows station with windows directories like windows / program files directly on your HDD). Dillo 2.0 is fast, but limited: The lightweight Dillo Web browser, in development for eight years, has always been a contender for the fastest browser available on GNU/Linux -- so much so that the Google's Chrome will have to be pretty nimble to outpace it. With last month's release of version 2.0, Dillo is faster than ever. If performance is your main priority, you might find Dillo's minimalistic tools and functional limitations an acceptable tradeoff -- but probably not. Not Free at Any Price, Why I Switched to the OLPC and Why I Dropped It: The One Laptop Per Child project, launched by MIT professor Nicholas Negroponte in 2003, was supposed to lead millions of children around the world to information technology and freedom. The plans aimed for low cost, enabling many children to use the machines, and free software, so they would have freedom while using them. I thought it was a good idea; I even planned to use one myself when I found in the OLPC’s promise of free software a way to escape the proprietary startup programs that all commercial laptops used. I didn't know you could do that in Linux!: Here are 12 tips, tricks, tweaks and techniques to make you say "I didn't know you could do that in Linux." Sure, not every one may be your cup of tea but here are 12 items to help you have the most positive Linux experience you can and to show why Linux is a superior operating system to other alternatives. Windows 7: Should Linux Fans Keep An Open Mind?: The VAR Guy abandoned Windows for Ubuntu Linux in mid-2007 because he was fed up with poor Microsoft product quality. But the blogger and open source advocate will be willing to give Windows 7 a try when it finally arrives. Here's why. Microsoft Missing Netbook Growth as Linux Wins Sales: Small laptops are becoming a big problem for Microsoft Corp.'s Windows business. A new breed of lightweight computers called netbooks are beginning to crack the company's dominance of operating systems. Acer Inc. and Asustek Computer Inc., which together account for 90 percent of the netbook market, are using the rival Linux software on about 30 percent of their low-cost notebooks. Why Linux sucks at being user friendly: Forget the OS wars, Apple and Microsoft do not need to wield any weapons today. Linux seems to be doing a good enough job of shooting itself in the foot when it comes to appealing to your average PC user. From Firefox to Fennec: Mozilla Has Surprises In Store: Yesterday, I noted in a post that the first extension has been created for Mozilla's Fennec mobile browser (Fennec means small fox). Mozilla quietly reported this news in a blog post. With this in mind, and for several other reasons, I think many people are underestimating the impact Fennec will have as a mobile browser. Here is why. Windows GUI vs. Linux Command Line Myths: Undoubtedly you've heard the old cliché that Windows is easier to maintain because it has GUI tools for everything while Linux requires commands lines and a terminal. Any experienced Windows administrator knows the point-and-click GUI tools don't cover everything. |
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