LXer Weekly Roundup for 24-May-2009
Wine, you can't live with or without it, it seems, the Berkeley Linux Users Group put up a great review of Mephisto Backup v1.5, Juliet Kemp shows one way to protect your root password, and it looks like Sugar is ultimately going to win because no one is buying XO's with XP on them apparently. Google Chrome 2.0 was released this past week, its amazing to me that Chrome already has twice the browser market share than Opera but then we all know about market share statistics don't we? Our own Hans Kwint in response to an article that hit our newswire and the many conversations it started tells us why Linux doesn't need marketing. For my part I think Hans nails it, its not that Linux that needs to be marketed, it is that consumers need to be given that choice. Ken Starks has a run in with a couple of Acer trusted computing BIOS issues, but fret not my friends, it has a happy ending. David Lane asks "Why are you not running Apache?", Caitlyn Martin in an article that comes on the tail of a slew of articles on Netbook market that "Linux To Regain 50% Netbook Market Share", another article asks "Netbook Market? What Netbook Market?" and a Heise article talks about a study of Linux on the company desktop commissioned by IBM. Even though Cisco fairly quickly settled out of court Justin Ryan makes the case for gloom and doom in defending the GPL and last but not least I leave you with a tasty morsel of 'when more people use it it will get attacked' FUD with "OSS attacks will grow with adoption". |
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