LXer Weekly Roundup for 13-Jun-2010
FOSS-tablet Business Report: "Tear down this stair!": Even though all ingredients for a successful Linux tablet were ready, and the distributed software development used by FOSS is normally much quicker in replying to demands than a closed environment, Apple is already satisfying the tablet-PC market with their iPad. A viable FOSS-solution is not yet available, though Computex will ameliorate the situation. This 'report' - provided for free to you by LXer Linux News - will show how Apple became the leader and what the competition needs to do to have a shot at all consumers who didn't buy a tablet yet. As an extra, at the end of the article, there's an explanation of why 'competition of standards' fails, harms society and screws customers. The "Oldest Pirate" Passes: No, I am not going to tell you her real name. She is a criminal now and I made her so. 86 years of lawful living, survived without so much as a speeding ticket. Her now-blemished essence is now the foulest of stain on my duplicitous hands. A Good Old Dog: The Mutt MUA started in 1995 when Michael Elkins wrote the first version. It's powerful, light-weight, made for CLI, and tends to suck less than do other email clients. It's my MUA of choice, and if you've never used it (or haven't in a while), you may want to give it a try. For the purposes of this little tutorial, I am going to assume that you use Gmail (who doesn't these days?). Another thing, Mutt has many more configuration options than those I will present here, I encourage you to look through the reference and explore more. Android fragmentation: something to fear?: Fragmentation is often cited as a major challenge for the Linux platform and mobile software ecosystem. The word gets thrown around a lot and tends to be used as a catch-all phrase to describe a wide range of loosely connected issues. The rapid growth of the Android ecosystem and the significant number of new Android devices that are reaching the market with heavy software customizations has raised some questions about whether Google's Linux platform is going to succumb to the fragmentation menace. In this article, we'll take a look at what fragmentation means for mobile Linux and how Google's operating system addresses some of the biggest challenges. Can virtual PCs save desktop Linux?: Desktop Linux has floundered for three main reasons: too few applications, limited desktop hardware compatibility, and too few tools (not to mention skilled people) to manage a boatload of Linux desktop systems. Why No Billion-Dollar Open Source Companies?: If open source is so successful, why aren't there any billion-dollar open source companies? Red Hat's CEO, Jim Whitehurst, gives a clue: to get to $5 billion turnover, Red Hat must displace $50 billion of revenue from proprietary companies. That's hard - and why there will be very few big open source companies. Compatible with…(insert operating system): I don’t get it. Or maybe I am not expected to understand it. Yesterday I went to a local Best Buy retail store to pick up a USB Flash Drive. After doing a quick price comparison I ended up purchasing the Greek Squad (the Best Buy) branded product. The next day I took the device into work and just as I was about to open it I quickly glanced at the back of the package and noticed: “Compatible with Windows 2000 SP4/Windows XP/Windows Vista/ Windows 7, Mac OS 10.x and above.“ Linux could ease schools' tech crunch: San Jose Mercury News business columnist Mike Cassidy thinks that maybe the answer for local schools facing daunting technology challenges lies with the penguins. You know, penguins — those who advocate free and open-source software, including Linux and the operating system's mascot, a penguin named Tux. Stewart Rules: Novell Wins! CASE CLOSED! - Updated: Here you go, munchkins. Judge Ted Stewart has ruled for Novell and against SCO. Novell's claim for declaratory judgment is granted; SCO's claims for specific performance and breach of the implied covenant of good fair and fair dealings are denied. Also SCO's motion for judgment as a matter of law or for a new trial: denied. Novell is entitled to waive, at its sole discretion, claims against IBM, Sequent and other SVRX licensees. CASE CLOSED! Ubuntu: meritocracy not democracy: "A bug was filed regarding the change, and everyone and their dog weighed in to share their opinions. Some offered genuinely thoughtful usability critiques, but many spewed forth disjointed, rambling opinions. The debate raged on before Mark threw his two cents into the well: 'We all make Ubuntu, but we do not all make all of it. In other words, we delegate well. We have a kernel team, and they make kernel decisions..." The Four Different Types of Linux Users: In the three years I have been using Linux as my primary operating system I've taken note that in general there are four different types of Linux users. Each one fits a distinct niche and it is possible to change from one type into another over time. Linux Trojan Raises Malware Concerns: I've got good news and bad news for those of the misguided perception that Linux is somehow impervious to attack or compromise. The bad news is that it turns out a vast collection of Linux systems may, in fact, be pwned. The good news, at least for IT administrators and organizations that rely on Linux as a server or desktop operating system, is that the Trojan is in a game download so it should have no bearing on Linux in a business setting. |
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