LXer Features
Linux That's Small
By Scott Ruecker (San Diego, U.S.) - Oct 14, 2024
Encryption, Trust, and the Hidden Dangers of Vendor-Controlled DataLXer Feature: 14-Oct-2024
Linux is big, but is it small? I talk about some pieces of hardware that run Linux that can fit in the palm of your hand. Some even smaller than that, take a look.
By penguinist - Aug 27, 2024
When the keys are controlled by vendors like Google or Apple, what does that mean for user privacy? This article explores the hidden dangers of vendor-controlled encryption and the trust gap it creates, particularly for open-source users and developers.My Linux Mint Tribute
By Scott Ruecker (San Diego, U.S.) - Aug 23, 2024
How I Turned My Chromebook Into A "Mintbook"LXer Feature: 23-Aug-2024
Hi there it’s me Scott, in my previous article I wrote about How I Turned My Chromebook Into A Mintbook and all the fun entailed in doing it. Well, its been two months and a few friends and others have asked me, “So how’s it going with your Mintbook”? Or “My Mintbox” as my friend Donny kids me.
By Scott Ruecker (San Diego, U.S.) - Jul 08, 2024
Adventures With My New ChromebookLXer Feature: 08-Jul-2024
How I turned a brand new Chromebook that kinda worked into a Linux Laptop that totally rocks!
By Scott Ruecker (San Diego, U.S.) - Jun 10, 2024
My Linux LaptopLXer Feature: 10-Jun-2024
A friend of mine helped me buy a new Chromebook a few weeks back. These are my adventures in getting to know what it is like to use and see if I could get it to do some extra stuff too.
By Scott Ruecker - May 08, 2022
Laptop Dual Boot Project: Part 2![]()
LXer Feature: 08-May-2022
After all my adventures I ended up with a really cool Linux laptop, wait..that's what I wanted in the first place!
By Scott Ruecker - Nov 30, 2021
Laptop Dual Boot Project![]()
LXer Feature: 30-Nov-2021
Here continues my journey to boot different versions of Linux onto my laptop and see how things go.
By Scott Ruecker - Nov 30, 2020
Lenovo Laptop Love..Not!![]()
LXer Feature: 30-Nov-2020
I got a new laptop and I want to use a jump-drive to run different versions of Linux on it. These are my adventures..
By Scott Ruecker - Nov 01, 2019
Attempting to install Linux on a new laptop, a follow-up![]()
LXer Feature: 1-Nov-2019
I was recently given a laptop that came with Windows 10 on it and wanted to install Linux over it because well. Windows sucks.
By James Dixon - Sep 21, 2019
LXer Feature: 21-Sept-2019Attempting to install Linux on a new laptop
A successful conclusion..
I recently detailed my attempts to install Linux as an alternative boot an SD card in a new Dell laptop. Those attempts failed. See Attempting to install Linux on a new laptop for the details. Microsoft has continued in their usual way and notified me last week that the current feature update of Windows on that laptop would soon be unsupported and urged me to update to the latest version.
By James Dixon - Jun 07, 2019
How I failed at installing Linux on a new laptopUpdating from Ubuntu LTS 16.04 to 18.04
By Hans Kwint - May 03, 2018
A KMail Breakthrough.
LXer Feature: 03-May-2018
Maybe you run old and trusted Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, and wonder if it's easy to release a Bionic Beaver (18.04) in your PC. So did I! I could wait for the early spring-bugs to be squashed (do beavers eat bugs?), so wait for the point release 18.04.1. But I decided to act like a daring drake, and give the process a try anyway. Now, this could either go horribly wrong, like some Linux-updates I had in the past, it could be a breeze (badger?), or anything in between: Time to share my experience!
By Dr Tony Young - May 01, 2016
Installing jstock with Slackware 14.1
LXer Feature Update: 27-Apr-2016
This tells the story of how I finally managed a successful transfer of email data from KMail version 1.13.6 to version 4.11.5. It is a non-technical essay exploring the obstacles I encountered, my options, and the methods I used to achieve my aim. It was written partly to give the information, but also with the hope that readers will both enjoy and be amused by the story of the "battle of KMail" that was ultimately won against "incredible odds". Links to the earlier articles discussing problems with KMail 4x are given at the end.
By James Dixon - Jan 19, 2016
Two methods to get Jstock working on your Slackware 14.1 machine.Installing sbopkg with Slackware 14.1
By James Dixon - Jan 16, 2016
How to install the sbopkg Slackbuids.org package manager with Slackware 14.1.Open Source Wealth Management
By James Dixon - Jan 15, 2016
So you want to manage your money with open source?GNUifying Windows: Make the best of imposed Windows-use at work
By Hans Kwint - Oct 23, 2015
Chances are, if you work at a big company, you have to work with the beloved Windows and - unlike home - you don't have sudo - er, I mean admin-permissions. If you are a vivid Linux-user at home, it may feel like you're lost without your favourite Linux tools.Update to "How long is a piece of string?"
However, there's a lot of Free Software / Open Source software for Windows to make you feel more at home. Below I will present a list of the tools I use from time to time. Remember, it's just a list of software I use which I hope you say "Nah, I never heard of that!", that's the goal of this article. It's not meant as a recommendation of any kind, or saying that it's better, or to start a discussion about an utopic world in which you are free to use any OS you like at work.
By Dr. Tony Young - Oct 20, 2015
Chromebooks, Linux, and Lenovo
LXer Feature Update: 20-Oct-2015
The original article was dedicated, with thanks, to Gus3. Without his suggestion it never would have been written. Like the original article, I stress the following update text involves Linux only obliquely......but I hope all my friends here on LXer will find it interesting, and perhaps, useful.
By Russell Hollander - Sep 23, 2015
One Linux enthusiast's experience trying to install Linux on a Lenovo Thinkpad 11e ChromebookInterview With Richard Kenner of AdaCore
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Aug 29, 2014
Better Than a Quad-Head Display: My Adventures with "4K" 2160p and Linux![]()
LXer Feature: 28-Aug-2014
When the Heartbleed bug made it out into the world a few months ago I had a chance to talk to Richard Kenner of AdaCore about it. I learned a few things too, here is our interview.
By penguinist - Mar 31, 2014
Replacing KDE4 with Xfce![]()
LXer Feature: 2014-Mar-31
Imagine having the equivalent of four 1920x1080 monitors in a 2x2 grid, on your desk, with absolutely no seam between them. This article describes my journey towards that goal...
By Dr Tony Young - Mar 07, 2014
Removing/Disabling The Semantic Deskop in KDE4 Running on openSUSE 13.1 Part 2
A brief outline on some of the things you can expect when KDE4 is replaced with the much faster and slimmer desktop manager of Xfce .
By Dr Tony Young - Feb 18, 2014
Removing/Disabling The Semantic Deskop in KDE4 (and firing up Thunderbird) Part 1
In this article, the author brings together the information so far known on the KDE4 "semantic desktop" and indicates that from his perspective, the principal problem is the removal of "choice". Since disabling of the "semantic desktop" automatically leads to disabling of the KDE email client KMail, the article explains how Thunderbird can be installed to replace the KDE email client. The startling news that Nepomuk is to be discarded is also briefly discussed.
By Dr Tony Young - Feb 08, 2014
KMail Complexity - and a little Patience
As a result of the first article on KMail, three things emerged. First, while some users may like the semantic desktop, there is serious dislike for the semantic desktop (as has been implemented in KDE4) amongst a considerable number of other users, and these people set about disabling the software in various ways. Second, why does the implementation of the semantic desktop produce such apparent deterioration in the performance of the KDE4 desktop and what happens if you try to remove it altogether ? Third, what are some possible solutions ? This second article tries to explore those three items.
By Dr Tony Young - Jan 26, 2014
Linux Nerd New Year's ResolutionsLXer Feature: 26-Jan-2014
This article considers some problems I had when I tried to set up and use the latest version of what I still consider is a superb email client: KMail. I believe that this package is no longer intended for the "stand-alone" user, but is firmly aimed at multi-user networks. Attention is also drawn to another far less important but still extensively used KDE4 package, the patience card-game software which I believe has been degraded due to over-development.
By Carla Schroder - Dec 29, 2013
Fedora 20 Released With New, Newer, and NewestLXer Feature: 29-Dec-2013
Forget those boring New Year's resolutions to lose weight, get fit, and be a better person. Let's talk proper Linux nerd resolutions. I'm going to tame mod_rewrite if it's the last thing I do. Which it may well be. What are you going to do in this glorious year 2014 of the new millennium?
By Carla Schroder - Dec 17, 2013
Trouble-shooting a VoIP ModemLXer Feature: 17-Dec-2013
Fedora 20 is officially released today with a lot of signficant additions, improvements, and bleeding-edge things to get cut on.
By Dr Tony Young - Nov 07, 2013
Linux Malware: Should we be afraid?LXer Feature: 7-Nov-2013
This is a description of a long and involved process which shows how difficult and frustrating it can be to have a VoIP modem running, free of problems. Originally appearing in LXer forums, it has now been updated and expanded.
By Hans Kwint - The Netherlands - Aug 13, 2013
Gems from Southeast LinuxFestLXer Feature: 13-August-2013
Given the recent Hand of Thief-news, in which RSA's Limor Kessem explains how a Linux malware-kit is sold on Russian websites, I have been contemplating about Linux security again.
Not only that, after I switched to Ubuntu, I also noticed how easy it is to add new repositories for some cool new programs not in the official repository yet. Sure, while doing so you think "Hmm, there could always be a virus in it, but I think those people are trustworthy. If there's malware in it, other people might already have noticed it in the source code". At least, that's what I usually hope.
Besides, the OS is becoming more and more "unimportant" for crackers; nowadays the browser is taking over lots of roles from the OS. These days, it's all about Javascript, Adobe's Flash and - to a lesser degree - Java, all of them full of potential security shoot-through holes. Linux users are quite lucky Adobe's PDF reader is no common tool on Linux, besides Flash and Java waning in importance. It saves minor headaches, but the main ones remaining.
Throw into the mix some easily exploitable Linux routers, and Googles lax behaviour with Android security to make me reach for the paracetamol again.
By Penguinist - Jun 10, 2013
Three golden nuggets from the Southeast LinuxFest: "RPi+", video editing, and spam tips.Smartcars: Dangerous if software companies would make them
By Hans Kwint - The Netherlands - May 27, 2013
High-res batch convert EMZ / WMZ grahpics to PNG a.k.a. "liberating your graphics"LXer Feature: 27-May-2013
In his article "Smartcars – dangerous or simply can’t make money out of the apps?" Ray Shaw wrote:Quoting:“The motor industry is slow to adopt because it fears it would lose its control over the process and its profit. "No it is too dangerous to have smartphone/tablet control” say the motorcar companies “What if it failed and crashed?”. More FUD
In his article, he proves to be totally clueless about the automotive industry: All software companies would be bankrupt if they made cars. Besides, fear, uncertainty and doubt about customer safety in the car industry is less acceptable than in software companies who have been selling bug ridden defective products for years without problems. Please let me explain you the difference.
By Hans Kwint - The Netherlands - May 24, 2013
The good and bad of Ubuntu 13.04 beta 2LXer Feature: 24-May-2013
Recently I've been trying to 'minimize' some big 'legacy' MS Word files. When using MS Office to export to HTML (unfiltered), I've found out they're so big because they have EMZ (gzipped EMF) and WMZ (gzipped WMF) files in them, accompanied by large "msoledata-thingies". These WMZ's / EMZ's are (zipped) "container" formats, and some of them contain vector graphics, a bit like SVG - but sadly Microsoft doesn't seem to support SVG in MS Office. These EMF / WMG-graphics may contain vector images: That's text, fonts and lines - which has to remain readable of course. I found out replacing this EMZ / WMZ files by PNG files in the Word-documents dramatically reduces size.
By ubuuser - Apr 15, 2013
LXer Feature: 15-Apr-2013LXer Weekly Roundup for 10-Mar-2013
Keeping my tradition of reviewing Ubuntu beta (http://lxer.com/module/newswire/view/164695/index.html) and its final release (http://lxer.com/module/newswire/view/166851/index.html) I want to revisit those topics for Ubuntu 13.04.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Mar 11, 2013
LXer Weekly Roundup for 03-Mar-2013![]()
LXer Feature: 10-Mar-2013
The big news this week was Mark Shuttleworth and his feelings on the Ubuntu community and reaction to it. Miguel de Icaza decides to use a Mac full time instead of Linux at home. The Chrome OS resists being cracked into and more. Enjoy!
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Mar 03, 2013
Ubuntu Touch Developer Preview released![]()
LXer Feature: 03-Mar-2013
It was quite the eventful week in Linux news. Linus goes off on (UEFI) Secure Boot option in the kernel, LG acquires webOS from HP, how the “Six Strikes” Anti-Piracy program works and SCALE 11x kicks "trades" and takes "shows", Enjoy!
By - Feb 21, 2013
The Ubuntu Touch Developer Preview was released today along with loadable images for Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 4, Nexus 7 and Nexus 10.LXer Weekly Roundup for 17-Feb-2013
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Feb 18, 2013
LXer Weekly Roundup for 03-Feb-2013![]()
LXer Feature: 17-Feb-2013
The latest installment of the LXer Weekly Roundup. Enjoy!
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Feb 04, 2013
SprezzOS emerges, promising new-school tech with old-school gumption![]()
LXer Feature: 04-Feb-2013
The latest installment of the LXer Weekly Roundup. Enjoy!
By Nick Black, SprezzOS Project Hacker-in-Charge - Feb 02, 2013
LXer Weekly Roundup for 27-Jan-2013
LXer Feature: 01-Feb-2013
SprezzOS 1 has emerged for general use. I'll explain here the motivations of the SprezzOS Project, how we're unlike other new distros of note, and why you ought watch us for Linux's most exciting developments.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Jan 28, 2013
LXer Weekly Roundup for 20-Jan-2013![]()
LXer Feature: 27-Jan-2013
The latest installment of the LXer Weekly Roundup. Enjoy!
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Jan 21, 2013
Ubuntu releasing smartphone OS has better chance than other platforms![]()
LXer Feature: 20-Jan-2013
I need to apologize to all our readers. I have not been keeping up on the LXWR as of late and I am sorry. I could give many excuses but they would be just that, excuses. The roundup is going to get a lot better in the weeks ahead. It has yet to reach it's full potential and I know it.
By ubuuser - Jan 09, 2013
LXer Feature: 09-Jan-2013LXer Weekly Roundup for 16-Dec-2012
I am not talking about ubuntu winning against android, IOS or even windows, but ubuntu as an OS has more chance of winning than projects like tizen, bada, megoo, sailfish etc.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Dec 17, 2012
LXer Weekly Roundup for 09-Dec-2012![]()
LXer Feature: 17-Dec-2012
The latest installment of the Weekly Roundup. Enjoy!
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Dec 10, 2012
Correction on Secure Boot Article![]()
LXer Feature: 09-Dec-2012
The latest installment of the Weekly Roundup. Enjoy!
By Carla Schroder - Dec 05, 2012
Linux Has Not Won, Microsoft is as Dangerous as Ever, Fie on Secure BootLXer Feature: 05-Dec-2012
This is an important correction to "Linux Has Not Won, Microsoft is as Dangerous as Ever, Fie on Secure Boot" that explains correctly how the Platform Key works.
By Carla Schroder - Dec 04, 2012
LXer Weekly Roundup for 04-Nov-2012LXer Feature: 04-Dec-2012
I think UEFI Secure Boot is a shuck and a bald-faced Microsoft anti-competitive tool. I'll get to my reasons in a moment, because my most important point comes first:
Every purchase of a Windows license is an attack on Linux. Linux has not won, and Microsoft is as dangerous as ever.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Nov 05, 2012
LXer Weekly Roundup for 28-Oct-2012![]()
LXer Feature: 04-Nov-2012
The latest installment of the Weekly Roundup. Enjoy!
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Oct 29, 2012
KDE4 Plasma Active![]()
LXer Feature: 28-Oct-2012
The latest installment of the Weekly Roundup. Enjoy!
By tracyanne - Oct 11, 2012
LXer Weekly Roundup for 07-Oct-2012![]()
LXer Feature: 11-Oct-2012
I've recently replaced Unity, on the little MSI Netbook, that I wrote about recently after installing Ubuntu/Unity on it.
By Scott Ruecker (Phoenix, U.S.) - Oct 08, 2012
LXer Feature: 07-Oct-2012
The latest installment of the Weekly Roundup. Enjoy!
862 entries found:
